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Frequently Asked Questions

frequently asked questions

I’m having a behavior problem with my cat. Can I email Pam for an answer?

Unfortunately, Pam can’t offer free behavior advice through email. You can find lots of information in the articles section of our website. You can also find Pam’s step-by-step behavior techniques in her best-selling books. If your cat is displaying a change in behavior, please contact your veterinarian because there may be an underlying medical cause. After medical causes have been ruled out, your veterinarian can provide you with a referral to a behavior professional, or you can request an appointment for a virtual consultation with Pam Johnson-Bennett.

Can I set up an appointment with Pam for a behavior consultation?

Pam does virtual behavior consultations through Zoom. For more information, visit our consultation page. In-home consultations are available for clients in the Nashville, TN area only. Please do not email our office for free behavior advice.

three books and a quote about the author


How do I find qualified help for my cat?

It’s very important to seek help from a qualified professional in the field. Start by having your cat examined by the veterinarian. After potential underlying medical concerns have been ruled out, your veterinarian can provide a referral to a qualified behavior professional such as a veterinary behaviorist, certified applied animal behaviorist or a certified cat behavior consultant.

Where can I buy Pam’s books?

Pam’s best-selling books are available at bookstores and online. We’ve included a link to Amazon here on our website.

three books by pam johnson-bennett on a bookshelf


How do I know which book I need?

All of Pam’s books cover cat behavior and training. To learn more specifically about each book, visit this page


Can I contact Pam about speaking at our event?

Pam does a number of public speaking engagements. Visit our contact page to ask about fees and availability.


May I reprint one of your articles on my website?

Articles may not be reprinted on other websites but we always appreciate links to our website if there is an article you’d like to point to on your own site.

How do I become a cat behavior expert?

There are several routes to take if you wish to pursue a professional career in animal behavior. If you wish to become a veterinary behaviorist, you must earn your veterinary degree and then go on to study animal behavior and meet the requirements set forth by the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists. If you wish to become a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist you must meet the requirements set forth by the Animal Behavior Society.

There are also other professional organizations that have certification programs, such as the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants.

To help you gain more hands-on experience and further your education here are initial steps to take:

  • Log in as many shelter hours as possible, particularly doing behavior work or becoming a part of the behavior team at a shelter. Hands-on experience is crucial
  • Become a veterinary technician to establish a good veterinary medicine background. There is also an organization of vet techs who specialize in behavior
  • Attend veterinary conferences that have good behavior tracks
  • Attend seminars given by qualified experts in the field
  • Attend webinars given by qualified experts in the field. There are several online courses and webinars on the internet now. Just make sure you choose ones given by experts with a proven track record
  • Read books written for the general public that are written by qualified behavior experts
  • Read scientific books written for the professionals in the field
  • Subscribe to scientific publications
  • Find a professional who would be willing to mentor you
  • If you do not pursue a veterinary degree or veterinary tech license you must get educated about medical issues because it’s important to know how medical conditions affect behavior. Even though you must never offer a medical diagnosis, it’s important to know warning signs

CatWise book and a quote from Dr Lore Haug


How did Pam get started?

Here’s a link to Pam’s story.

Who do I contact about advertising on your website?

For information regarding advertising contact Don Wright at don@donwrightdesigns.com


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